We are all human and life is so beautifully amazing and messy all at the same time. I thought I’d share some of my personal failings, teachings AND wins from the past year. A way to reflect and take responsibility for my actions this last year.  I have also included a free journalling workbook should you wish to reflect and set intentions for the year ahead.

1 – I became overwhelmed and questioned my self-worth in the process.

Teaching –  this year I lost sight of my ‘why’. recognising this will shape how I go into 2023 as I rewrite the story again questioning is this work aligned? Does this feed my why? How can I make a change of direction to steer towards my bigger career goals?

2 – I didn’t practise yoga as often as I know I need to (basically everyday 😂🙈) 

Teachingyoga is what keeps me grounded. It keeps me from feeling overwhelmed and enables me to act from my most aligned self. I have realised how important it is and commit to creating more space for my practise going forwards.

3 –I have been living from a place of fear, negativity and lack 

Teaching I need to take more responsibility for myself, my thoughts and my behaviours, not playing into victimhood but making a conscious decision to live in the present moment, To take space and time to feel what is right without the noise and weight of other people’s opinions. I aim to highlight all i am grateful for more often and notice when i am spiralling into thoughts of lack.

I also wanted to end with a list of things I think I did well this year – balance and all! 

✨ I handled conflict better

✨ I learnt how to say no more

✨ I stood up for myself and my worth even Though it scared the shit out of me 

✨ I managed to save money for the first time. 

✨ I have had over 200 orders on the new website for yoga classes 💜 

✨ I did my first pop up yoga class and learnt a tonne! 

✨ I supported my family the best I could 

✨ I swam in the sea and lakes and waterfalls and found a real love for cold water 💦 

✨ I delved into the shadows around money, relationships and fear 

Link to a journaling workbook below if you feel called to take a few moments today, tonight or anytime through the next year and process all that has been, let me know how you get on! 💜👇 

Happy new year to you all and thank you so much for being here this past year. I can’t wait to see you back on our mats on 5th January to move breathe and release. I’m also super excited to bring more events in nature and workshops in 2023!

Love Sian x

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